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Science at the interface of chemistry, biology, and materials science.


Our research program in chemical glycobiology is broadly interested in gaining an understanding of how carbohydrates, or glycans, encode and transmit biological information at the boundary between cells and their environment. To achieve this objective, we are developing chemical and materials-based strategies to intercept, analyze and, ultimately, rewrite this information to accomplish desirable biological outcomes with an eye toward biomedical applications.

The Godula lab is currently looking for talented postdoctoral fellows!

The Godula lab is currently seeking to fill two postdoctoral positions in Chemical Glycobiology and Viral Glycoproteomics. For more information about the positions and how to apply, please see the hyperlinks below:

             Chemical Glycobiology                                       Viral Glycoproteomics


Latest News

November 2021

Congrats to Dr. Taryn Lucas on a great dissertation defense and successful PhD!


June 2021

Austen and Greg develop a stem cell microarray for assesing signaling in enginnered glycan microenviroments. See their latest work here!


June 2021

Congrats to Dr. Daniel Honigfort on a great dissertation defense and successful PhD!

Taryn Lucas_machinelarningarrays.tif

April 2021

The Godula lab explores how display affects viral binding using machine learning techniques. Read our latest work here!!


May 2021

Dan's latest work explores the effect of  synthetic mucin mimetics on cell surface receptors interactions. Read the paper here!!

To reach Kamil

Tel:         TEL: (858) 822-2395
Email:     kgodula"at"

Pacific Hall 6224A
9500 Gilman Drive

La Jolla, CA 92093-0358

Lab Mailing Address

Tel:         TEL: (858) 822-0947
Email:     godulalab"at"

Pacific Hall Room 6216
UCSD Dept. of Chemistry
9500 Gilman Drive, 0358
La Jolla, CA 92093-0358

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